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俄罗斯卫生证书,Hygiene certificate,Hygienic Rospotrebnadzor Expert Conclusion,俄罗斯卫生专家结论
来源: | 作者:pmtdf68fd | 发布时间: 2073天前 | 1660 次浏览 | 分享到:

Rospotrebnadzor Expert Conclusion is a document that certifies the safety of products in the field of hygiene and sanitation, and extends over the entire territory of the Customs Union. The document is issued for products that are subject to state registration.

Rospotrebnadzor is only one official body in Russian Federation, which issues such document.

Expert Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor is one of two documents which replaced sanitary-epidemiological conclusion since July 2010. A significant advantage of expert conclusion is that fact that it has no limits in duration, as it was with sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

Expert conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on products is issued on a special form and is valid throughout the territory of the Customs Union.  Issuing the conclusion is preceded by expert tests, after which the results and documents are tested for compliance with the sanitary-epidemic and hygiene requirements.

Documents, required for expert conclusion:

Information about the applicant and the product - registration documents, GOSTs and technical conditions of the goods;
The contract of lease or ownership documents of production areas;
Samples of labels;
For imported goods:

Application form;
Product specifications;
Samples of labels;
For products that are dangerous to the environment and people:

Safety certificate (MSDS);
Technical certificate (TDS);
All documents must be translated into Russian.

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